Sandy's Cultural Expeditions
Subaltern Place of Ascension
Mont Saint Michel, Normandy/Brittany border, France We awake at 5am to the cataclysmic sound of smashing glass. We are sleeping, it turns out, right above the garbage, recycling, and kitchen area in a one road medieval village on the world famous Mont Saint Michel. The collection of all restaurant glass and refuse from the island happens right
Cathar Country in the South of France
Here we visit Chateau de Puilaurens, where Cathars took refuge after 1244. It was quite a climb, but I felt completely energized as one sometimes does on mountains full of quartz crystal. (i.e., Boynton Canyon in Sedona, Mauve’s cairn in Ireland). ‘The Ancient Winds An interesting article in Wkipedia tells us about the winds that
Notes from Paris
5/10/17. The Latin Quarter, Marais, and Seine Parisians enjoy much more freedom than we do in big American cities. They live in a pleasure-loving, walking-friendly, park-centric safe milieu–a comfortable take time-to-savor-life and people-focused city. It’s fun to bargain shop Paris. World class, inexpensive cosmetics, lingere, scarves. Get a handful of small 💶 Euro notes and
The Spiritual Side of Traveling Light
You have to trust the universe to travel light. Learn to enjoy taking less than you think you need, and watch for a rush of aliveness when you realize that you truly need need even less than you thought you did. You’ll collect things along the way and often end up wearing the same thing for days, going from place to
Women in World Music: Living Legends
Many women around the world are considered living legends of music because they hold a leadership role in the evolving history of their art form. Here, you’ll find a sampling of beloved artists who are easy to find in local music stores, or you can clink on the links to find them online. An “A”
Women in World Music: Historic Pioneers
From the earliest of times, the women of the world have been making music. Their voices have been lifted in song during dances, ceremonies, rituals, births, and deaths. They have played their instruments in Neolithic caves, on rural front porches, and on the exquisite world stages of today. A list of legendary international women singers